Insurance Insights
Spotlight on: e-scooters and insurance!
Dockless electric scooter (“e-scooter”) sharing programs continue to grow in number, popularity and value.
Do I need flood insurance for my home?
Standard homeowners and renters insurance does not cover flood damage. Find out if you need flood insurance and learn where to get it.
Background on: Gun Liability
The idea that insurance can help prevent deaths from firearms often rises to the forefront of the nation’s consciousness following mass shootings.
In case of a tornado!
Remember that a watch means that weather conditions are favorable for tornadoes and a warning means one has been spotted in your area.
Facts about pet insurance.
Like any other member of your family, your pet is subject to illness or injury, and you’re liable for any damage he or she does.
Protecting your college student from on-campus losses!
With burglaries constituting approximately 50 percent of all on-campus crimes, it’s important for college students and their parents take steps to prevent theft, adhere to safety measures and review their insurance coverage.
Local Minnesota Insurance Agency
Call: 763-783-1188
Text: 763-296-2810
Fax: 763-754-4028
Monday - Friday
9 am to 5 pm
2705 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Suite 206
Andover, MN 55304